Lose weight tips for lazy people

16 March 2015

Hello readers.

I know it has been a while i never update my blog about fitness. So here it is, a little bit of tips and motivation for you girls..just in case you're looking for some positive energy. Well, I'm not sure how many of you are still reading this site, but i really wanna thanks the people who did. I'm sorry that i can't update my blog very often like how i used to be. But no worries, I'm still here..will share everything i've learn whenever i free.

When we talk about weight loss there are 2163284103293 methods out there each declaring to be better than the other. FOR ME, The only ways get rid of fats are eat healthy and exercise…Losing bodyweight can be a complicated for many people because they never want to go to the gym. They may feel embarrassed or may prefer the comfort of working out at home. ALSO...I know, there is a lot of people out there who can't commit to any of these. So, bellow are a few powerful ways to lose weight for lazy people.

Trust me,

" Losing weight is easier than you think "

Gain muscles is SO MUCH HARDER !!

No matter what, you should always remember that losing weight only involves physical activity and a good eating plan!

1. Set a goal
Set a timeline to get rid of unwanted bodyweight and write it down. Put the note with your goal somewhere you will see it everyday to remind yourself.

2. Take it step by step
Start by focusing on what you eat. Reduce the consumption of fats and sweets and add more fruits and veggies. Soon, after you have that under control, add workouts. If you dislike to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour per day. Always keep in mind that while you exercising you are losing calories and not adding. Try to chose something you enjoy to make it easier! Make it a habit

3. Start eating less carbs
Reduce carbohydrates! Don’t eat as much white bread, pasta and rice and you will see a change!

4. Remove soda drinks
If you want to lose weight you should definitely stop drinking soda and start drinking plain water!

5. Choose grill or boil
Avoid fried meat, go for grilled or boiled foods. You will get used to it and probably you will enjoy it more!

6. Don’t eat junk food
Keep your home ‘junk food free’ so you will not be tempted to eat it.

7. Must Eat breakfast
Eat most of your calories very early in the day and always eat breakfast!

8. Have five or six meals a day
Try to eat less and often! Choose a healthy snack between main meals!

9. Plan your exercise sessions
Write your workout plan in your journal. Do several exercises a day, even when your are watching TV do ab crunches and leg raises!

10. Create Good Routines
We all know that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. I hope you gonna use these ways to lose weight for creating healthy habits and a new lifestyle! Make it a habits!

Always remember, don't be skinny, Aim to be FIT 

Alright, that's all for today, All the best people


  1. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. i definitely need tips for extremely lazy people!

  3. nice tips. thanks for sharing. you're always an inspiration :D


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  5. Hi Karen :)
    do you remember me? I faced the same acne and white head problem with you in one month ago.
    But I am now recovering from depressed b'cause my skin condition is getting better now :D

    Since my skin condition is getting better, I set my next target, which is reduce my bodyweight and fat from 45kg to 41kg. (I am quite short, have lots of fat on my legs and arms)
    I go running at 7am every morning, eat oatmeal with raisin as breakfast and gonna quit supper and junk food as a challenge for myself. Before I go to my bed, I will do some legs workout, around 30 mins. It's really a hard time for me to not eating rice and bread :( May I know usually how long do you spent in running? Did you have cheat day(cheat meal)?

    Actually I joined gym 2 months before but then I quit now, due to the insufficient of result. I feel I am weak, I can't even do 5 push-up :( How can I built my arm strength? Do you lift heavy weight?

    1. Hi Chen Xin.

      Yes i remember you :)
      Glad to hear that, i'm happy for you!

      May i know what's your height? Cause 45kg is a standard weight. 41kg is a bit underweight.
      You don't have to cut down carbs too much cause you're not fat. Of course i have cheat day too. But always remember. Eat healthy & a balance diet is the KEY. Hmm, I don't have a fix routine, i will just do anything that work for my body.

      You can start doing some home workout first before you hitting the gym.
      For example : Plank, Squat, Burpees etc

      Remember, aim to be FIT.. not skinny.

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