Brand New Day

22 August 2013

时间过得真快啊,一年又过去了。还有3天就是我生日了,不知道为什么完全没有生日的气氛*闷*去年的21岁生日庆祝了差不多整个月,应该是过了quota,今年不用什么大势庆祝了吧?哈哈哈哈。每年的生日都是我自己一个人一手包办plan,连朋友也要自己invite,不想这样了今年!不要再自己plan了 (>_<) 有心的人自然会记得,对吧?(^_−)−☆

八月还真的蛮充实的,还有一个星期又要出国了。部落格还是会更新的,至于想知道更多瘦身/健身的资料的朋友请不要email我了,我的mail box快塞爆了,真的没有时间回复,很多会看漏啊什么的。请勤劳一点读完我提供的资料,因为我也是很勤劳的写的,你们没有认真读很伤我的心,不要只顾着看照片!哈哈哈!知道吗!有什么可以留comment在我的blog里,我会回复,谢谢!

这整个月都好忙,昨天抽时间去做了指甲,好久没有做指甲彩绘了。指甲不能做太长,因为要做gym不方便,可是又爱美!女生就是这么矛盾。哈哈哈。指甲是在Pavilion的Bling Bling Nail Shop (Nearby Tokyo Street) 做的。第一次去那里,环境好美,价钱也不贵。蛮喜欢的,指甲是她帮我设计的,好特别的design,画工也很赞!嘻嘻 ♪( ´▽`)

想做指甲的朋友可以看看Bling Bling Nail,他们现在在做promotion! 要快哦...

Alright, since it's my Birthday Month, i decided to do something for myself...
New Nail Art of the Month! I love all the colors, and it's Gel Color, can last longer :P
做完指甲今天又染发了!嘻嘻(^○^) 其实好想换发型好久好久了。每天同个发型真的会很无聊。所以决心好换个发型,换个色系!

& I've dyed like my hair like FINALLY...i always wanted to try something different for my hair & I'm happy i did it yesterday. I think everyone will be very surprise seeing my new hair color. LOL!

想要染个大胆的颜色但是却怕不好看,因为有些发型师我信不过。听很多朋友介绍我Number 76 Saloon所以去试试了。染发再加个招牌的UltraSonic Iron Treatment (^∇^)

准备好了吗?Are you ready for my new hair? 
Bleaching in progress. Yes, i bleached all my hair. I thought my hair is going to be super damaged after bleaching but surprisingly NO... My hair is still shinny and smooth! Thanks to the powerful Ultrasonic Iron Treatment, works miracles! It's my second time doing this treatment already, i really love it. Hair is so much softer now...& They are having promotion for this month, it's just RM168.. 
go go go go try it! you will understand what i feel after doing it! hehehe ☆〜(ゝ。∂)'s the outcome of my hair! I barely recognize myself, need some time to accept the NEW me! HAHAHA. What do you think? But i love trying new stuff, love my new hair color. Can you see there's actually three colors in my hair? The top part, the middle and the bottom part are three different tone (^_^;)
I looks so different now!  Skin looks fairer with this hair color. At least i can try something new this time, unlike the typical color tone i used to do on my hair. *excited* Thank You to SteveKoh for the awesome hairdo ☆ Remember to look for him if you plan to pay a visit :)

Here's address of the saloon :

Number76 Saloon (Mid Valley Branch)
A-G-2, Ground Floor, North Point, 
Mid Valley City, 
No.1 Medan Syed Putra Utra 59200 Kuala Lumpur
TEL: +603 2287 0661

Alright, that's all for today. It's time to prepare my breakfast & lunch. Bye ☆


  1. Sponsored post or u pay with own money?

  2. i think i still prefer the dark color hair of u. =D

  3. ya, dont bleach la.. u look more pretty with dark hair..

  4. Hi Karen, i like your hair. How much u dye for this length?

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